A bit breezy today as the Bobcat golf team competes at Tatanka Golf Course in a dual with Neligh-Oakdale.
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
It's Golf Day for the HS Golf Team! They are headed to Tatanka Golf Club and will have a 4:00 start!! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's Golf Day for the JrH Golf Team! They are headed to the Antelope Co. Country Club for a 1:00 start! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's NVC Track Day for the JrH and HS Track Teams! Field Events will start at 9:30 and Running Events will begin at 11:00!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's Golf Meet Day for the Bobcat Gold Team! They will be headed to the Atkinson/ Stuart for a 9:00 Tee off time!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Friday April 28 2023 Stay tuned for Levi and Trevor's HORSE with Dylan and Barrett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAe0ZFZOPcs
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
The Summerland students that traveled to ONeill to observe the Nebraska Supreme Court!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's Track Day! The Norfolk Classic will start at 4:45. The Bobcat Throwers will be in O'Neill for a Throw Meet starting at 4:30! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's JrH Golf Day for the JrH Golfers! They will travel to Butte for a 2:00 start time! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Wednesday April 26 2023 Stay tuned for Over the Wall with Michael, Sam and Alec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl28q1cBaPM
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
JrH and HS Academic Awards Ceremony will take place today at 2:00!!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
1st place for the 7th grade boys track team at the Humphrey Bulldog Invite! Congratulations!!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Kucera
7th grade Bulldog Invite champions
Congratulations to the 8th grade boys on placing 1st at the Humphrey Bulldog track meet!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Kucera
8th grade Bulldog Invite champions!
Summerland Invite ORDER OF EVENTS 10:00 Start of field events High School--4 efforts FINALS ONLY high jump--starting height-set at Coaches meeting Junior High—3 Efforts FINALS ONLY HS Girls Shot Put (West Ring) followed by HS Boys Shot Put HS Boys Discus followed by HS Girls Discus (ring will be determined day of the meet) JH Boys Shot Put (East Ring) followed by JrH Girls Shot Put JH Girls Discus followed by JH Boys Discus (ring will be opposite HS discus throw) HS Girls High Jump followed by HS Boys High Jump (Junior High to follow--girls first) HS Boys Long Jump followed by HS Boys Triple Jump, Pit 1 HS Girls Long Jump followed by HS Girls Triple Jump, Pit 2 JH Boys Long Jump followed by JrH Boys Triple Jump, Pit 1 (after HS Jumps are concluded) JH Girls Long Jump followed by JrH Girls Triple Jump, Pit 2 (after HS Jumps are concluded) HS Boys Pole Vault followed by HS Girls Pole Vault (Junior High to follow--boys first) 12:30 Running events (ALL FINALS) in this order: JrH Girls, JrH B, HS Girls, HS Boys Girls followed by Boys JrH 3200 Meter Relay HS 3200 Meter Relay JrH 100 Meter High Hurdles JHG 30” JHB33” HS 100/110 Meter High Hurdles JrH 100 Meter HS 100 Meter Dash JrH 1600 Meter Run HS 1600 Meter Run JrH 400 Meter Dash HS 400 Meter Run JrH 400 Meter Relay HS 400 Meter Relay JrH 200 Low Hurdles HS 300 Meter Low Hurdles HS 300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles JrH 800 Meter Run HS 800 Meter Run JrH 200 Meter Dash HS 200 Meter Dash HS 3200 Meter Run JrH 1600 Meter Relay HS 1600 Meter Relay
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's Conference Golf Meet Day for the HS Golf Team! They will be headed to the Antelope Co. Golf Course and will have a 9:00 start!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
It's Summerland Track and Field Day @ SUMMERLAND!!! Field Events will begin at 10:00 and Running Events will begin at 12:30! Thank You to all that are helping out!!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Monday April 24 2023 Stay tuned for Caige's podcast with Christian and Dylan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wILIipAVK8Q
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
It's a busy day for the JrH Athletes! The JrH Track Team will be in Humphrey and their meet will start at 11:30! The JrH Golf Team will be at Atkinson and they will have a 3:30 start! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Thursday April 20 2023 Stay tuned for Christian's Luck guess with Dylan and Caige https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2RTfToaLNA
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
Calendar Time Change! The JrH Golf Invite at Atkinson on April 24th will start at 3:30 for Summerland!!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik