Congratulations to the Junior High boys track team on their first place finish Tuesday at Plainview!
almost 2 years ago, Krista Holliday
junior high boys track team, 1st place finish at Plainview Tuesday!  Congratulations
Wednesday May 10 2023 Stay tuned for Owen's podcast with Chase
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
It's Golf Day for the HS Bobcat Golfers! They will be at Summerland for a Tri starting at 4:00! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
7-12 STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN ATHLETICS NEXT YEAR: Stop in the office and get a NEW physical form that you will take to the doctor this summer to be completed.
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Plant science students are doing a flag emergence test on our chapter test plot. A few weeks ago Allen Schueth, Brian Kopecky, and another NC+ representative came and told us about emergence flagging and gave us our own kit to do in the test plot. They discussed the importance of early emergence and how it can affect your yield. The green flags are all plants that were emerged yesterday morning. The blue and white flags are all plants that emerged yesterday and were flagged this morning. The heat yesterday made a big difference as we ran out of blue flags in the kit! We will keep these flags in all growing season and determine the yield to see if the different emergence dates made a difference on the yield.
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Goldfuss
May 9 2023 Stay tuned for Over the Wall with Michael, Sam and Alec followed by Caige's podcast with Christian
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
Mr. Burkhardt and the 5th grade band are performing at the 5th-8th grade spring band concert. There is still time to make it out to school!
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
Nebraska D-League will be hosting a Basketball Camp at Summerland!! They have an emphasis on player development and taking your game to the next level! The Camp is June 5th and 6th! 2022-2023 Grades 8-11 will run from 9:00-12:00 and grades 3-7 will run from 12:00-1:30!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Monday May 8 2023 Stay tuned for Christian's lucky Guess with Caige followed by Owen's podcast with Chase
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
It's Golf Meet Day for the HS Golfers! They will be headed to Bassett to the HWY 20 Invite starting at 9:00! Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
The annual Finke Selfie with the class of 2023…what an awesome group to honor today!! Once A Bobcat, Always A Bobcat!! Boom 👊
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
The annual Finke Selfie with the class of 2023…what an awesome group to honor today!! Once A Bobcat, Always A Bobcat!! Boom 👊
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
It is almost 30 minutes these students will be know as Summerland Graduates 🎓
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
Friday May 5 2023 Stay tuned for Barrett's sports segment Summerland Flag Football League with The Game Miners vs Longsnappers
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
Thursday May 4 2023 Stay tuned for Jaykwon's podcast with Trevor
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
Wednesday May 3 2023 Stay tuned for Christian's Lucky Guess with Caige and Dylan
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
It's Golf Day for the HS Golf Team! They will be in Niobrara and will have a 9:30 start time!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Tuesday May 2 2023 stay tuned for Caige's podcast with Christian and Michael
almost 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
Hey Everyone! The Bobcat Booster Club Golf Tournament will be here before we know it-May 27th!! The Golf Committee has been super busy! Thank you to all who have donated door prizes, raffle items and sponsored a hole! There will be a sign up sheet coming out soon for people to pick a time to come and help! Also, the Committee members have Raffle Tickets! You can get ahold of any member to purchase tickets! (Rita Anson Terri Hergert Josh Napier and Aarin Kruger). Kids will also be selling raffle tickets soon! They will receive tickets on May 9th! All proceeds will go to the Booster Club which in turn go back into Bobcat Athletics!!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik