The track meet scheduled for today(4/20) at Pierce has been cancelled.

Thursday April 20 2023
Stay tuned for Christian's Luck guess with Dylan and Caige

Wednesday April 19 2023
Stay tuned for Over the Wall with Michael, Sam, Dylan and Alec

It's Golf Meet Day for the Bobcat Golf Team! They are headed to Plainview and will have a 8:30 start!

Tuesday April 18 2023
Stay tuned for Christian's Lucky Guess with Caige and Dylan followed by Jaykwon's podcast featuring Trevor and Sam

It's Gold Quad Day today at the Niobrara Gold Course! Golfers will begin at 4:00! Good Luck!

It's JrH Track and Field Day today in O'Neill! The meet will start at 12:00! Good Luck!

Monday April 17
Stay tuned for Over the Wall with Michael, Dylan, Sam, and Alec followed by Caige's podcast with Michael and Dylan

Summerland will be hosting Sportsmetrics!! Mrs.Mlnarik has forms so please send your son/daughter to grab one! 2 time slots will be available. Please take a look at the forms that are attached for more information!

It's Track and Field Day for the HS Bobcat Track Team! They will be in Hartington and the Meet starting at 3:00!

It's Golf Invite Day for the Bobcat Golfers!! They will be at the Lakeview Golf Course north of Crofton! The Invite starts at 10:00!

Students in the Summerland Personal Finance class took the Nebraska Personal Finance Challenge. Ashley Melcher, Kelton Bruhn and Jesse Thiele earned a spot to compete in Lincoln on April 14th. They will be competing against the top 3 teams that took the fall challenge and the top teams in the spring challenge. Schools participating will be Summerland, Millard North, Ravena, Hyannis, and 2 teams from Waverly.
Each team will be given a hypothetical family scenario. They will have two hours to create a presentation on their financial recommendations for the family. Each team will have 10 minutes to present their financial plan and then 5 minutes of Q and A time from a panel of expert judges, community members and financial experts.

Calendar Change! The Golf Meet that was scheduled for Saturday at Plainview will now be held on Wednesday, April 19th!

Due to the forecasted bad weather on Saturday, the Summerland Track Team is canceling the Elementary Track Clinic & Track Meet. We will not be rescheduling it. Please help spread the word to anyone that you know that might have been going to attend.

These Bobcats are ready for the Skills USA State Opening Ceremony!

Thursday April 13 2023
Stay tuned for Over the Wall with Michael, Sam, Alec, and Dylan followed by Jaykwon's podcast with Sam

Wednesday April 12 2023
Levi and Trevor's HORSE with Christian, Kelton, and Barrett followed by Owen's Opinion with Chase.

It was a joy working with these girls. The conference was fun and we enjoyed participating in the different events.
Irelyn sang the National Athem, Olga received Honorable Mention by placing in the top 4% in Public Speaking and Lena placed 6th in Personal Finance.
Some of the events had 300 to 400 participants so we can home very happy with our results.

The Elementary had our Title Easter Egg Hunt today! Thanks so much to the 5th graders and their teachers for helping baggie the popcorn and m&m's and the 6th grade snd teachers for reading to the Elementary and Hiding Eggs! Pictured are our "special egg" winners! More pictures will be on the Summerland Bobcat Facebook Page!

Thursday April 6 2023
Stay tuned for Trevor and Levi's Horse with Kelton and Christian