Bobcat golf finished the season today with a 393 at the C-3 district tournament at Fair Play Golf Course. Congrats on a good year!

With 9 holes complete, Bobcats are hunting for some birdies!

Tuesday May 16 2023
Followed by Owen's Opinion with Chase

2023 Class C golf districts are underway, Dylan with the opening tee shot of the day!!

All Students Grades 6, 8 and 10 will be taking their Impact Testing today! This testing is required every 2 years. You will not have to take it when you get your physical if you have taken it today!

It's District Golf Meet Day! The Golf Team will be headed to Fairplay Golf Course (Norfolk) for a 9:00 start! Best of luck to the Golfers today!!

Congratulations to Melvin Mast. He competed at the State Junior High track meet on Saturday and came home with a 7th place medal in high jump, with a jump of 5'7"!!

Today was the last day for Book Buddies. The 6th graders created their own realistic fiction book on the Chromebooks and shared it with the Kindergarteners. It has been amazing to watch them bond with their buddies!

It's that time of year again! The Libraries at Clearwater and Orchard have some awesome summer activities planned! ALL kids are welcome at any location! Another great way to help you child not fall down the Summer Slide!!

Monday May 15 2023
Stay tuned for Barrett's Sport Segment - Summerland Flag Football League Awards

If you need more Booster Club Raffle Tickets for the Golf Tournament, please contact Rita Anson! Her cell is 402-340-1718!

District Golf Update:
District Golf has been postponed to Tuesday! Same time/same place

Good afternoon Summerland Public School, this is Superintendent Kyle Finke. Due to the impending severe weather forecast for the Summerland area and impact time that the weather is supposed to arrive, Summerland Public School will be dismissing at 1:30 on Friday, May 12. Students that are on the 5th grade field trip will now be spending an extra hour at the zoo and arriving home between 6:30 and 7:00. Summerland buses will run accordingly at 1:30.

Friday May 12 2023
Stay tuned for Over the Wall with Michael, Sam and Alec followed by Caige's podcast with Christian

If your child is planning on attending Sports Metrics, please turn forms in Monday morning!'

Below is the link to order state track shirts. Make sure all orders are in before May 15th at 12 p.m.

Congratulations to Mrs. Meyer and the Elementary Student Council on being today's Bobcat Catch of the Day! They exemplified kindness with their snack and beverage cart for elementary staff for Teacher Appreciation Week! It was so appreciated!

Thursday May 11 2023
Stay tuned for Christian's Lucky Guess with Caige

It's District Track Day for our HS Track Teams! They will be headed to West Holt for a 10:00 Start! Good Luck!!

Attached is the Summer Weight room information and schedule for Summerland Public Schools. Open to all 7-12 students!