The Bobcat Football Team will be headed to Plainview tonight to take on the Pirates! Kick-off will be at 7:00. If you can't make the game, you can catch it on:

Sixth grade used air dry clay and chop sticks to write their name in cuneiform while listening to the Epic of Gilgamesh to enhance their learning about Mesopotamia. Thanks to the family who donated the materials to do this project!

Summerland gets to host the NVC Cross Country Meet today (Thursday, Oct 5th). Come out to Summerland Golf Course and cheer on the XC Team and see what Cross Country is all about! HS Girls will begin at 4:00 followed by HS Boys, JrH Girls and JrH Boys!

The Lady Bobcat Volleyball Team will be headed to Neligh-Oakdale tonight (Thursday, Oct. 5th). C team will begin at 5:00 with JV (6:00) and Varsity (7:00) to follow! If you can't make it, you can catch the game on : https://youtube.com/@n-ops?feature=shared

Thursday October 2 2023
Stay tuned for Matt and Dane's Basketball Game

FCCLA is collecting items for bright horizons for our FCCLA district 8 community service project. Please bring donated items to Miss Harrison’s room before October 18th!

Neligh Oakdale will be holding a Pink Out Fundraiser for Breast Cancer! Go hungry and have a Walking Taco!

It was Red Hot Reading Day at Summerland and it was awesome! Why you might ask? It's because Clearwater, Ewing and Orchard have the BEST Volunteer Fireman and EMT's around! Not only do they take time away from their family and jobs to help people in need, constantly taking classes to provide the best care and to stay certified, but they also are willing to come and help with Red Hot Reading Day!! They read stories, showed kids the fire trucks, ambulances and gear, and talked fire safety! 3/4th and 5/6th Grade were also shown a grease fire and why you should NOT throw water on it! We also had an awesome donation from the Old School Thrift Shop in Orchard! That allowed us to buy every kid a donut and reminding them: 'Do-Nut" play with matches, "Do-Nut" forget to stop, drop and, roll and "Do-Nut" forget to call 911!
So if you happen to see one of these amazing people in your community, please Thank Them!!

On Monday, October 9th there will be NO JV Football at Neligh Oakdale!

Wednesday October 4 2023
Stay tuned for Caige and Christian's Lucky Guess

7th grade Ag students got to test their skills by making bud vases to end the floriculture unit!

The STEM class's Marble Run Roller Coasters
were a hit!

Handwriting fun!

Tuesday October 3 2023
Keenan's Fun Facts with Jason

Hey Everyone! Your Lady Bobcats are at HOME tonight! C Team will begin at 5:30, JV @ 6:30 and Varsity at 7:30! Parent's Night for the Lady Bobcat VB Team and Cross Country Team will be held between the JV and Varsity Game! You can catch the game on Hudl TV - https://fan.hudl.com/United-States/NE/Clearwater/organization/17273/Summerland-High-School

We are looking for 2 people for lines on Thursday (Oct 5) starting at 4 for all JrH gms! If we could get a couple parents to help that would be awesome! Please let Shelly know ASAP

New Art in the Display.

It's Game Day for the Bobcat JrH/JV VB and JrH/JV Football Teams! They will all be at home tonight! Here is the schedule: *JrH JV (3:30 B followed by A), JrH FB (5:00), JV FB (6:15) @ Summerland vs Elkhorn Valley
JV Volleyball
Main Gym
5:00 Central Valley vs O'Neill SM
6:00 Summerland vs Central Valley
7:00 Summerland vs EV
Aux Gym
Auxiliary Gym
6:00 N/V vs O'Neill SM
7:00 N/V vs EV

A reminder that Muffins With Moms Forms are due TODAY (Oct 2) by 10:00am!

Monday October 2 2023
Stay tuned for Barrett's Sports Segment