Carlee and Savannah representing Summerland today in the class D district cross country meet

Students in American History and Foods paired up and learned how to make Spanish dishes from Luis and Paula.

It's District Cross Country Meet today!!! Our runners will travel to Ainsworth!! Girls will start at 4:00 with boys to follow!! #gobobcats

Intro to Ag students and some FFA members were able to watch the test plot get harvested yesterday! Some of them got to ride in a combine for the first time even. Thank you to Bob Napier and all the seed dealers for providing learning opportunities like this and for involving the Ag classes and FFA chapter!

Hey Everyone! We held our yearly Title 1 Meeting this morning(10/11/23) after Muffins with Moms! Here is a little info on the Nebraska Reading Act! There are some great videos on how to support your child's reading! If you ever have any questions about Title, please let Mrs. Mlnarik and Mrs. Johnston know! We would be happy to visit with you! *Nebraska Reads Act - What is it? The NebraskaREADS initiative supports the policies and practices outlined in the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act, which was enacted in 2018 and went into effect during the 2019-2020 school year. The law takes a comprehensive approach to improve the early literacy skills of Nebraska’s K-3 students. It emphasizes the importance of strong early reading instruction and individualized supports for students who struggle. The Nebraska Reading Improvement Act values the need to implement with fidelity targeted interventions to bring all students to grade-level proficiency. NebraskaREADS was created to serve the needs of students, educators, and parents along the journey to successful reading. NebraskaREADS provides tools and resources to support high-quality literacy instruction for all Nebraska students. The initiative highlights policies, procedures, and practices that guide the selection and implementation of literacy practices and evidence-based interventions, and assists districts as they build family, community, and school partnerships to help students become successful readers, setting them up to learn, graduate, and succeed. Videos that have Info about the NeReads Act and NeReads Material! Nebraska Reading Improvement Act - English Nebraska Reading Improvement Act - Spanish Video: Parents are Key Partners in Supporting Reading Success (English) Video: Nebraska Reading Improvement Act (Spanish)

This Summer the Bobcat Elementary had the opportunity to take part in the Bobcat Summer Reading Challenge! Here are our winners:
Bronze 500+ minutes ( Book)
Joslyn, Elijah, Grace , Journey, Granite, Jack, Lydia, Luke , August, Ben, Amelia
Silver 800+ Minutes (Book, Popcorn, M&M's, Powerade)
Kasen, Alaina, Colten, Everly, Jozzy, Michael, Reagan (not pictured are Jayde, Dylan and Alyx)
Gold 1,000* Minutes(Book, Popcorn, M&M's, Powerade and a T-Shirt)
Dylan, Jersey, Jaslee, Cam , Brekkan, Lillian, Kayley, Max, Lily, Lexi, Hannah, Austin, Ryker, Jayde, Alyxandria, Shaylah, Matthew, Tatum, Hunter , Steele, Owen, Sloane

Muffins with Misses/Moms was a HUGE SUCCESS! We had over 300 eating Muffins this morning! Thank you to the cooks for the muffins and to those that took time out of their morning to hang out with us!! More pictures will be on the Summerland Bobcat Facebook page!!

Wednesday October 11 2023
Stay tuned for Matt and Dane's basketball match

Serving for a 25-23, 3rd set win is Adi!! Lady Cats lead 2-1 as we head to the 4th set

The Lady Bobcats have split the first two sets, in Wayne America.

Culinary students have been learning how to cook dishes with different spices- we have had a multicultural kick into today with India Butter Chicken and Cajun jambalaya.

Free virtual event open to the public!

Bobcats left their mark at the museum.

Elementary Parents/Guardians: To ensure the safety of our students and staff, all parents and visitors who come to Summerland Elementary should enter through the main doors by the office entrance, not the elementary doors. The only time the elementary doors should be used for entrance is for the afternoon preschoolers. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

STEM Class field trip to the SAC Museum-pretty cool experience! Many fun, interactive activities and exhibits. 10/10 recommend.

We still have several bottles left to purchase. Place your order before they run out! $15 for the Summerland
athletic department

STEM Class field trip to the SAC Museum-pretty cool experience! Many fun, interactive activities and exhibits. 10/10 recommend.

STEM Class field trip to the SAC Museum-pretty cool experience! Many fun, interactive activities and exhibits. 10/10 recommend.

STEM Class field trip to the SAC Museum-pretty cool experience! Many fun, interactive activities and exhibits. 10/10 recommend.

STEM Class field trip to the SAC Museum-pretty cool experience! Many fun, interactive activities and exhibits. 10/10 recommend.