We are putting in an order for Bobcat Music shirts! You can find order forms in the office at school or comment on Facebook and we'll get a form fill out for you!! Thanks for all your support of our music department!!

The Football Playoff Order that was due today at 10:00 has now been extended to 1:00 today (Tuesday) due to technical difficulties yesterday!

Our Keep the Quote winner this week is 2nd grader, Zekiel Kaiser!
Zeke exemplifies what it means to work hard. He comes to class every day with a "can do" attitude and works hard to accomplish the task that he is working on. When things are difficult, Zeke chooses to work even harder so that he can reach his goal. He has a positive attitude when facing a challenging task and always works his hardest to get things done.

The Lady Bobcat Volleyball Team will be in action tonight at Summerland vs Wayne! Times are:
C Team - 5:00
JV - 6:00
Varsity 7:00
This is the last game of the season for the C Team girls! Please come and show them some love and cheer them on!
If you can't make the game, you can catch it on:

It's game Day

Tuesday October 15 2024 Announcements
Special Segment - Owen and Jadyn’s Interview with Jacob

Eighth grade STEM class is making marble roller coasters. There are seven groups. Finished products to follow.

The JV VB Team will be headed to Battle Creek today! Start times are:
6:00 Summerland vs Pierce
7:00 Summerland vs Battle Creek

The JrH/C Team Vb Teams and JrH/JV FB Teams will be in action tonight at Summerland vs Neligh-Oakdale! Start times are:
4:00 JrH VB A Team followed by B Team
5:00 JrH FB
5:30 C Team VB
6:30 JV FB - or following JrH FB - may start early
If you can't make it, you can catch it on:

Monday October 14 2024 Announcements
Parker and Preston’s Interviews with Logan and AJ followed by Matt, Dane, Aubrey and Keenan’s Sorry Board Game

Who wants State Play Off Shirts??!!! The Summerland State FB Store is up and set to close on Tuesday, October 15th at 10 AM! We will not be able to accept any late orders due to the quick turnaround, so make sure that everyone is aware of the close date/time! Here is a link for you to share with everyone once you know that you have qualified: https://summerland-state-fb-2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/

Celebrating Coach Mlnarik's birthday, Bobcat Volleyball style! Thanks Amy Thiele for the cupcakes!!

Friday Fun Day is always a hit in KA and KB!! Today's feature: Spookley The Square Pumpkin! More to come!

We appreciate all you do! Thank you!

KA did an amazing job with drawing scarecrows today after Friday Fun Book : There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves!

Just a reminder that Senior/Parent's Night for FB and Cross Country is TONIGHT (Oct 11th) at 6:45!
Volleyball Senior/Parent's Night is on Oct 17th! Jv - 5:00, followed by Senior Parent's Night and then Varsity VB @ 6:00!! There will not be C Team that night due to injuries on the Ainsworth VB Team!

The Bobcat Football Team will be in action tonight at 7:00 taking on LCC! Senior/Parents Night will begin at 6:45 and Kick-off will begin at 7:00! If you can't make it, you can catch it on:

Friday October 10 2024 Announcements
Dylan’s Real Talk with Alec followed by Connect Board with Dane, Matt, Aubrey and Keenan

It's Game Day!!

We had an impromptu jam session with the kindergartens today! So fun!!