This week is Bus Safety & Bus Driver Appreciation Week! Here at Summerland we sure appreciate our bus drivers! Thanks for all you do for us!

Congratulations to Mrs. Michaelson's WIN group for being today's Bobcat Catch of the Day! These students are nominated for their responsibility and kindness in working so awesomely with the kindergarteners on Fridays with their math games!

Blood Drive hosted by Summerland FBLA, Tuesday November 19, 2024 9:00: am -3:00 pm. Donate and recieve 2 pair of socks

Hey Bobcat Fans! Here is a little reminder for the rest of our busy week. Conference Passes AND Summerland Activity Passes WILL NOT be accepted for any GNAC Tournament Games or State Play-Off Games! Everyone will be expected to pay unless you are scheduled to work! Best of luck to the Bobcats as they head into Post Season!

The Lady Bobcats are headed to Laurel tonight for the 2nd Round of the GNAC Tournament! They will face Elkhorn Valley @ 7:00. Just a reminder that Conference Passes will not work at any of the Conference Tournament Games! If you can't make it, you can catch it on: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/laurel/organization/23049/laurel-concord-coler-high-school

Tuesday October 22 2024 Announcements
Special Segment - Dane, Matt, Aubrey and Keenan’s Pictionary

Here is a link to the updated GNAC Volleyball Schedule!

Boo! 👻Can you guess who? Stop down by the kindergarten rooms, read the clues, and try to guess which kindergartener is under the ghost!

Press Release: Schedule for the 18th Annual Heartland Hoops Classic
The schedule has been released for the 18th Annual Heartland Hoops Classic, set to
take place on February 15, 2024.
This year’s event will feature seven Nebraska State Basketball Tournament qualifiers, a
first-time out-of-state participant, and two returning out-of-state programs. Veteran team
Sunrise Christian Academy will make its ninth appearance, while Mount Zion Prep from
Lanham, MD, will be making its debut. Three-time participant Wasatch Academy will
also return.
The first game tips off at 9:40 a.m., and the schedule for the day includes the following
● 9:40 a.m. – Summerland vs. Johnson Brock
● 11:20 a.m. – Doniphan-Trumbull vs. Lincoln Lutheran
● 1:00 p.m. – Adams Central vs. Ashland Greenwood
● 2:45 p.m. – Grand Island Central Catholic vs. Sidney
● 4:30 p.m. – Pembroke Hill vs. Papillion-LaVista South
● 6:15 p.m. – Wasatch Academy vs. Millard North
● 8:00 p.m. – Mt. Zion Prep vs. Sunrise Christian Academy
Ticket information and prices will be released at a later date.
For more information about the event, please contact Tino Martinez at
This event is proudly sponsored by The Grand Island Convention & Visitors Bureau, Tom
Dinsdale Automotive, West Faidley Medical Center, and Hy-Vee.

Congratulations to Lilly, Leanna, Leah, Paisley, and Amelia (not pictured) for being today's Bobcat Catch of the Day! These girls are nominated for being Kind & Respectful toward younger students. They respectfully wait for the younger kids to cross in front of them when they are coming back from specials.

Our Keep the Quote winner this week is 5th grader, Zoey Heiss!
Zoey's kindness comes naturally and gracefully. She is true to herself and knows how to stay on her own course. She is supportive of her classmates and doesn't allow others to influence her negatively. When the teacher or a classmate needs help, she is one that will always volunteer!

Summerland FBLA will be hosting a blood drive. If we collect 50 units, we receive a scholarship for an FBLA senior. Last year 2 Red Cross scolarships and 3 FBLA scholarships were given out. Call the school at 402-626-7534 to donate.

It's Game Day!

The Lady Bobcat Varsity VB Team is headed to Elkhorn Valley today in to start the 1st round of the GNAC Volleyball Tournament! They will take on Hartington Newcastle at 7:00! If you can't make it, you can catch it on: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/tilden/organization/16643/elkhorn-valley-high-school

Monday October 21 2024 Announcmements
Maverick and Jacob’s Weather followed by Landon’s Trivia with Preston

The Summerland A Team took 1st Place in the Summerland JrH VB Tournament today!

1st Round of Football Playoffs are set! Summerland will play Elkhorn Valley on Thursday, Oct. 24th at 6:00 at Summerland!

The JrH VB A and B Teams are in action this morning @ Summerland! Here is the schedule:
Auxiliary Gym Pool A Main Gym Pool B
10:00 Summerland A vs EPPJ 10:00 Summerland B vs N-O
11:00 Boyd Co vs Summerland A 11:00 Neligh-Oakdale vs CWC
12:00 EPPJ VS Boyd County 12:00 CWC vs Summerland B
1:00 3rd Place Pool A vs Pool B 1:00 2nd Place Pool A vs Pool B
2:00 1st Place Pool A vs Pool B
These games will not be live streamed.

Writing cuneiform in 6th grade to go along with our Mesopotamia unit!

REMINDER: Summerland Public School is taking sealed bids for a used scissor lift. Needs work on the charging system. Bids can be emailed to the Superintendent at mollyaschoff@summerlandbobcats.org by Nov. 8th. For questions or to view the lift call the school at 402-626-7534.