Volleyball Girls pregame meal!! Getting ready for Sub-District action tomorrow!! Come out and support the Lady Bobcats tomorrow at 5:30 at Summerland!! Be loud and proud!!
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Sixth graders who made their AR goal first quarter were rewarded with a pizza party outside. Thanks to DW's for the pizzas!
over 2 years ago, Chantelle Dempster
6th Grade AR pizza party
AR party
AR party
Guess what is coming back to Summerland???? If you guessed the SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR, you are right! We are going to have it earlier this year so you can get your Holiday shopping started early. The dates for the fair are: November 14th - 18th! More details will be coming! Mark your calendars!
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Incase you missed the 1st Football Play-Off Store, it will be opened again until October 25th at 9:00. This WILL BE the last time it’s opened!! https://summerlandstatefb2022-2.itemorder.com/shop/home/
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
State FB Playoffs. Summerland will play at Riverside next Friday at 6 pm. Game will be played at Cedar Rapids. Go Bobcats!!
over 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
Thank you to all of our amazing band parents for feeding the band and dance team before the playoff game!
over 2 years ago, Emily Heithoff
Barrett's Sport's Segment with Guest Host Wyatt Liewer. Liewer joined Nebraska as a two-time all-state selection from O’Neill High School, where he helped the Eagles to the Class C-1 state title in 2016. In 2017, he caught 62 passes for 787 yards and five touchdowns en route to all-state wide receiver honors from the Lincoln Journal Star and Omaha World-Herald. He now is a junior at Nebraska. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWJnUKRgCpM
over 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
We are expecting a large crowd tonight!! If you are bringing your children, please have them sit with you or in the student section. We DO NOT want kids running around! We thank you in advance and GO BOBCATS!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a496ftMQiwk0OJvMZ3LgcsDX_quQ1t3zd-5Oh7r_RzQ/edit?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
October 20, 2022 Announcements Stay tuned for Adrian's high school news with Greg Appleby followed by Chase's interview with Kendrick Schroeder and Ruger Switzer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLpwc5phLGA
over 2 years ago, Patty Sukup
The Summerland Bobcat Football Team will be playing the 1st Round of Play-Offs TODAY @ Summerland!! Kick-off Time is 5:00!! School will be dismissed at 3:00. The game will be broadcast on KBRX and News Channel Nebraska radio station in Sidney at 98.7 FM, newschannelnebraska.com and the free NCN app! The Game will also be Live Streamed on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUxpCa1Sx7MDnMckdnfBcg
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
From students celebrating Unity Day to a fun pep rally…it was a great day to be a Bobcat! 🐾
over 2 years ago, Kendra Shrader
Unity Day
Reminders. State FB Playoff & Sub VB Pep Rally today at 2:15. Also. school will be dismissed at 3 pm on Thursday for FB Playoff Game at 5 pm. Go Bobcats!!
over 2 years ago, Greg Appleby
Hey 7-12 grades! Bobcats supporting Bobcats! Wear Blue tomorrow!!!
over 2 years ago, Kendra Shrader
Unity Day
Congratulations to Adrienne Parker and Lenora Kester for being selected for the 2022 All State Choir in Lincoln in November! They were selected among the best singers in the state!
over 2 years ago, Emily Heithoff
All State 2022
The Sophomores had a great time at the UNL Extension Career Day at Wayne State College!
over 2 years ago, Kendra Shrader
Sophomores @ WSC!
Just a reminder that NVC Passes will not be accepted this week, as well as Summerland Passes. Kids will have to pay also! This will be in place for All NVC Tournament Games AND NSAA Football Playoffs!!
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Due to Santee forfeiting the first round game vs. Elkhorn Valley, the 2nd round game of Summerland vs. Elkhorn Valley will now be played at 6:30 tonight in the Summerland gym. See you there!
over 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
Summerland HS Teachers learning how to use the new APP
over 2 years ago, Greg Appleby
It's Game Day for the Lady Bobcat Volleyball!! BUT it's not just any game day, it is the 1st Round of Conference Game Day!! The Lady Bobcats will play the Winner of the Santee/Elkhorn Valley Game at 7:30!!! We need everyone that comes to be LOUD and PROUD and help these Lady Bobcats advance to Tuesday and then to Friday!! The Games will be livestreamed at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUxpCa1Sx7MDnMckdnfBcg #gobobcats
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik
The Volleyball NVC Tournament starts TODAY!!! Summerland will be hosting Elkhorn Valley vs Santee at 6:15. Summerland will then take on the winner at 7:30! Games will be live streamed on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUxpCa1Sx7MDnMckdnfBcg #gobobcats
over 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik