4A had a great 1st day of school!
over 1 year ago, Kalee Michaelson
students working on door decoration
students at the end of the day
Congratulations to Summerland’s very first American FFA Degree Recipient! The American Degree is the highest degree a member can attain in the organization. Madison will receive her degree this fall in Indianapolis at the National Convention
over 1 year ago, Jacob Goldfuss
The SPS Bobcat Library has so many new books waiting for students next week. 📚
over 1 year ago, Tricia Whiting
elementary books
High school books
Hey Seniors! We will be working on college applications after schools starts, but in case any of you are doing it early, there is a code to waive the application fee at UNL!
over 1 year ago, Kendra Shrader
7-12 Grades Only Schedules are now available to view on JMC. Schedule changes can be discussed with Mrs. Shrader from August 15 through August 18th at the end of the school day. Changes will require a parent signature. Paper copies of schedules will be handed out the first morning of school. If you need your JMC login information, please email Mrs. Shrader at kendrashrader@summerlandbobcats.org
over 1 year ago, Kendra Shrader
Student information packets are ready to be picked up in the office today, Monday 7/31 until 4pm & tomorrow 8/1 from 8am-4pm. Please let the office know if someone else will be picking up your family's packet. Packets not picked up will be mailed out Wednesday 8/2 unless other arrangements are made.
over 1 year ago, Brittney Finch
Congratulations to Alec, Sam, AJ and Michael for competing in the inaugural Nebraska State Performance Index Championships. All four placed with Alec winning the State Championship!
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Elementary School Supply List!
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Just a reminder that if you attend to play sports/dance at Summerland School, you will need to have an updated Physical on file, have taken the Impact Test (most took it at the end of 2022-2023 school year) and the NSAA Eligibility Form updated and on file! https://nsaa-static.s3.amazonaws.com/textfile/spmeds/PPE.pdf https://nsaa-static.s3.amazonaws.com/textfile/forms/2223consentform.pdf
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
In need of some new Bobcat Apparel? We have you covered! Check out the online store! This store will close on August 6th!! Items will be delivered to Summerland School! #gobobcats https://summerland2023.itemorder.com/
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Here is the link for VB Gear! The deadline is August 11th! #gobobcats https://summerlandvb2023.itemorder.com/
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Here is the link for Football Gear! It closes Monday, August 7th at 10:00am! https://summerlandfb23.itemorder.com/
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Hey Bobcat Nation! Just a reminder that you can become a Bobcat Booster Club at any point during the school year! However, if you are wanting T-shirts or yard signs, you need to have your form in by July 31st! Something awesome that we started is offering scholarships!! In order for your child to be eligible, parents must pay for a membership every year(during that school year) their child/ren are in high school (starting in 2022-2023), students must be out for at least 1 sport per year they are at Summerland, they must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, they must fill out an application/turn it in before the deadline and end the year in good standing! We will only accept 2023-2024 dues up until the last day of school. After that, we will be working on 2024-2025! If you need more information on the levels, you can contact Karen Cronk (President), Ramsey Robertson (Vice President), Shelly Mlnarik (Treasure) or Gina Koenig (Secretary). THINGS BOOSTER CLUB WILL/HAS PAID FOR *We have paid for Hudl in the past, but not last couple years *We will purchase State Playoff shirts for all the kids who qualify Varsity VB, Varsity BB, FB Team, State Qualifiers for Wrestling, Golf, Track, and Cross Country. We will also pay for the coaches shirt as well *Road Signs for STATE ONLY. We have reusable “Summerland Bobcats” signs. *We will purchase fall, winter, and spring sports magnets. *We will pay Athlete’s fee to participate in All Star Games *Will pay for all or ½ of Senior Banner (will split with Fine Arts) **All depends on Level of Booster Club they have paid *It was decided to donate $1,000 to the Youth Bobcat Sports Fund which will benefit all Bobcat Sports! Turns out it was just Football - just learned that in 2022 Other items the Booster Club has paid for! Donations have helped purchase for these programs: *Volleyball: Standard/Net Cart *Football: Capes, Play-Off T-Shirts for Players/Coaches *Boys Basketball: Warm-Up Tops *Cross Country (Hasn’t asked for anything) *Golf: Golf Mats for indoor practice and money towards Golf Bags *Girls Basketball: (Haven’t asked for anything yet) *Wrestling: Money towards mats, State Wrestling T-Shirts for Players/Coaches *Track: Tent *Dance Team - 2 sets of PomPoms All Activities: *Summerland Bobcats Table Cloth and Backdrop *End of Season Pizza Party for Youth and High School Teams and Coaches *Locker Magnets for each High School Athlete/Coaches/Student Managers for all sports *Summerland School Highway Sign *The Booster Club also sponsored a Youth Volleyball Tournament in October and we put on the Bobcat Burger Bash in August! *Sponsor the Bobcat Weightlifting Challenge - purchasing incentives *Record Board for Weightroom *T-Shirts for State Qualifiers/Coaches *Stationary Bike and Treadmill for Weight Room(which will also be used by the community) *Grill for Tailgating *Purchase Yard Signs, Window Decals, T-Shirts for Booster Club Levels *Padding for the Football Goal Posts The Booster Club has set August 14th from 5:30-7:30 as the Back to School Burger Bash! Please mark your calendars!! Also, we have 2 meetings coming up and would love you to come! They are: July 19th @ 7:00 and August 14th at 7:30ish following the Back to School Bash!
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Summerland Public School will be accepting applications for the position of head cook for the 2023-24 school year. This position will oversee the school breakfast and lunch program. Hourly wage will be determined based upon experience in either an educational setting, restaurant setting, or other food service leadership position. All interested applicants should send a resume to: Kyle Finke, Superintendent; Summerland Public School; 51293 857th Rd; Ewing, NE 68735 or email to kylefinke@summerlandbobcats.org. Closing date for this position is July 21, 2023 with interviews to take place immediately following. This position will begin in early August. Summerland Public School is an equal-opportunity employer.
over 1 year ago, Summerland
Here is a link for Physical Forms!! Remember you MUST have a form on file in order to play sports at Summerland! https://nsaa-static.s3.amazonaws.com/textfile/spmeds/PPE.pdf
over 1 year ago, Shelly Mlnarik
Many miles together as we traveled to Atlanta for the National Skills USA Conference! Faith, Julie, Sierra, Cassie, and Jaelyn represented Summerland and the state of Nebraska well! We also had a little fun along the way!
over 1 year ago, Kendra Shrader
We had fun spending 2 days with the future Lady Bobcat volleyball and basketball players! Keep practicing this summer! The future looks bright!
over 1 year ago, Carrie Kucera
Grades 3-8 are ready for Day 2!
Coach J. Birch talked through ball handling
Coach D. Birch demonstrated setting technique
Defense wins championships!
How fun is this!?!?!
Girls grades 3-8 volleyball and basketball camp schedule for Monday & Tuesday (June 19 & 20) will now take place on Tuesday and Thursday (June 20 & 22) at the same time, 8-12. The dates have been corrected from the previous post.
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
On Saturday May 27, the Summerland Booster Club (SBC) Golf Committee hosted the 3rd annual SBC Golf Tournament. The first year the tournament raised $1,200, last year the total was $3,100, and this year the tournament raised $19,000 for the student/athletes of Summerland. This can't be done without the tireless effort of the committee, members of the committee are Rita Anson, Terri Hergert, Aaron Kruger, Josh Napier, and Kyle Finke. More importantly, this event doesn't raise this amount of money without the generous donations from the communities businesses and individuals. There were 63 companies/individuals that donated prizes for golfers, 40 hole sponsors, 4 corporate sponsors, 5 bank sponsors for a hole-in-one prize, and 6 companies that donated raffle ticket prizes. A big shout out to the student/athletes that sold approximately $5,000 worth of raffle tickets before the end of school. There were 28 teams that competed in the 9 hole event. All-in-all this was a special day for the Bobcat Booster Club and the athletic programs for Summerland Public School. If you had a hand in donations, purchasing raffle tickets, playing in the tournament, or just supporting the Booster Club, I can't thank you enough. The amount of money donated back to the Bobcat Booster Club far exceeded the amount the SBC Committee ever dreamt. We will take 9 months off and start planning next years event. Thank you for your support of Summerland Public School, Mr. Finke
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Finke
SBC & Booster Club Board Members
Hole Sponsors
Before we know it the 2023-2024 School Year will be upon us which means Bobcats Athletics will be in full swing as well!! We are looking for VB Refs and line judges for JrH,C Team/JV and some Clock/Line Judges for Varsity and possible Libero tracker! We are also looking for JrH/JV refs, JrH Chain and Varsity Chains for FB! If you are interested, please contact Shelly Mlnarik at 402-340-5856! All are paid positions!
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Mlnarik