Friday December 20 2024 Announcements
Special Segment: Jadyn's Interview with Ashton

Ms. Harrison's Food Science class helped kindergartners decorate "trees" today! 🎄🤍

Elementary Parents - Your child/children will be bring home a white envelope that has Test Scores in them. Please look for them! All will have Acadience Scores as well as NeReads letters. Grades 3rd-6th will have Star Math and Reading and grades K-2 will just have Star Reading. If your child is on and IRIP (Individual Reading Improvement Plan) based on Acadience Composite Score, there will be a Progress Report in there as well. The staff at Summerland would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year!

Intro to FCS and Kindergarten collaborated this morning to decorate Christmas cookies made by the Food Science classes. 🎄🎅

The Bobcat Basketball Teams are headed to O'Neill! The Schedule is: 4:30 JV Boys (Aerie) & NO JV GIRLS, 6:00 V. Girls & 7:30 V. Boys. If you can't make it, you can catch it on: https://www.youtube.com/@EagleEyeBroadcasting and KBRX

The JrH Girls BB Team is headed to Elkhorn Valley today. B Team will begin at 3:00 followed by A Team. They will not be streaming the games.

Thursday December 19 2024 Announcements
Special Segment - Maverick and Jacob’s weather Report followed by Ash and Carlee’s Pictionary

It's Game Day

Congratulations to Ms. Summers 1A for being today's Bobcat Catch of the Day! They are nominated for their kindness activities: Yesterday, they wrote and shared kind letters with Mrs. Cooper. What a wonderful, kind gesture this holiday season!

Wednesday December 18 2024 Announcements
Special Segment - Owen’s Interview with Landon

Reminder--please return all library books to the Bobcat Library tomorrow.

Congratulations to the Pk-6 elementary students and Ms. Kesting and Mrs. Heithoff on being today's Bobcat Catch of the Day. They are nominated for their hard work and responsibility in preparing for and carrying out last night's AWESOME elementary Christmas program! What a fabulous job they did!

Dear Parents & Guardians,
The rise of mental health problems in teenagers is closely linked to increased cell phone usage, particularly social media exposure, which can result in feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Constant notifications, pressure to maintain an online presence, and exposure to curated content often contribute to unrealistic comparisons and decreased self-esteem.
To address these issues, Summerland Public Schools wants to make you aware of changes in student cell phone usage that will begin in January when students return after the holiday break. Students will still be able to use their cell phones before school, during passing periods, at lunch, and after school. They will not be allowed to use them in the classrooms or library at all during class periods. This is the change as it had been up to the teachers in the past. Students will be asked to turn them upside down on the corner of the desks or put them into a container monitored by the teacher.
There will be no warnings. If a student uses or checks his or her phone during class, the first offense, the teacher will take the phone to the office, and the student will have detention. For the second offense, the student will lose the privilege of his or her phone for two weeks. They will have to check it into the principal’s office for the entire day. Any offense after this is an automatic two-week no-phone suspension again.
The other change is if a student is on the F down list, he or she will have to check his or her phone into the principal’s office each day for the week. They may pick it up before they leave each day.
Encouraging students to focus on learning and in-person connections and promoting activities that build social skills and resilience, the school hopes to reduce distractions and foster healthier habits among students.
Thank you,
The Summerland Administration

We hope to see you this Friday!

The JrH Girls BB Team will be in action today vs O'Neill @ Summerland! The B Team will start at 2:00 followed by the A Team! If you can't make it, you can catch it on: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/ewing/organization/17273/summerland-high-school

The Bobcat Basketball Teams will be in action tonight at home vs Stuart! The JV Boys will begin at 4:30, VG, 6:00 and VB 7:30. If you can't make the game, you can catch it on : https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/ewing/organization/17273/summerland-high-school

Tuesday December 17 2024 Announcements
Special Segment- Owen and Jadyn's Interview with Dylan

It's Game Day!

Reminder--all library books need to be returned to the Bobcat Library by Wednesday. Parents, please help your children round them up at home and pack them in their bookbags.

Congratulations to Steele Dempster on being today's Bobcat Catch of the Day! He is nominated for his kindness and responsibility in picking up trash outside of the school and throwing it away!